Ice and KY

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 13.02.07    

After a good month of very cold weather (enough to send me playing across the pond at work), we’ve finally gone beyond the usual snow and slick patches. While most winter storms (you know, 1/4” of flurries) will cause uncontrollable chaos in this “southern” state, today it’s been raining. And freezing. Right now the trees are breaking and the roads are even more deadly than usual.

Thankfully, Jesus was watching out for me on the way home, and the car never completely lost control. Though at one point it couldn’t stop, and yes, I was going like 10mph. Needless to say, I’ll be staying home tomorrow and working from my couch! Or desk. Or heck, the bedroom if I really want too. Right now I’m working on some landscapes in clay, to be scanned by the CNC machine, and edited further in 3D on the computer. Great fun to be working with my fingers, and so much more tactile, I’m able to see what’s going on with the shapes much better. Hopefully I can get some pictures taken sometime soon.
