Twitter and the Social

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 13.02.07    

Regardless the damning evidence against the intellectual level of most social based websites, there are at times places that rise into heavy and widespread use. MySpace is the shining example of both; it contains within its sordid servers the pointless dreck of civilization, and has also obtained near-ubiquitous status. YouTube for video, Digg for news, Renkoo or Planyp.us for event planning. As things progressed, the social trend got tied up with the often shoddy Web 2.0 movement (though there are a few beneficial aspects, such as the emphasis on cleaner designs… something I cheer wholeheartedly).

Clearly, in welcoming people “to the social,” Microsoft has attempted to leverage these trends, as society has increasingly based interpersonal relationships in the digital space. It’s a great idea, but sadly may never reach that critical mass; where one Zune owner will bump into another. The free nature of online communities has made it far easier to build momentum into a global force.

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Anyway, back on topic. I do on occasion make use of the current slew of social websites, and once in awhile a particularly stupid, but fun, variation is hit upon. Twitter is just that! Stupid, fun, and easy. It’s a more advanced form, one might say, of the instant messenger away message. Tell people exactly what you’re doing at the moment! The concept seemed heavy handed at first, but integrated with mobile text messaging and instant messenger, you don’t even have to visit the site to keep friends posted on your goings on. Not to mention you can have your friend’s short messages sent to wherever you are.

I haven’t added a permanent Twitter box to my site, but for now you can enjoy (or even better, ignore) the new “social” links on the right.
