
iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 15.02.07    

People keep asking if I’m a sculptor now… as if mucking about in plasticene did anything to grant one skill. Sadly, it doesn’t really. Thankfully, I’ve had a little experience with Sculpey clay before, but sadly, I’m still rubbish. Right now I’m working on landscapes for two locations to be used in some visual effects shots (plus some scale models later on). We’d tried modeling everything in the computer, digital elevation maps, and procedural terrains in multiple programs. Nothing was coming together very well, so it seemed that doing it physically was going to be easier. Miniature, of course, since we don’t have 12 square miles to play around with here. It’s hasn’t been the most realistic project so far, but carving in water erosion lines seems to be helping. Oh, and the splinter of wood in the middle of the second image is, approximately, a scale 500 feet.

Eventually we’ll be scanning these on the CNC machine, so there’s more to come!
