
iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 20.03.09    

There have been a couple interesting trailers posted recently, so here we are again – another episode of trailer reviews!

It’s rather impressive when an actor from the UK can so completely convince me they’re American, I never once question their accent. It was only just recently that I discovered Charlie Crews, of the TV show Life, is most certainly played by a Brit. Canadian actors, while holding absolutely nothing against them (how could I?), often seem to let slip their origins. It’s also possible (nay, likely!) my own dialect is just odd and random enough, I can’t hear how fake a british-american accent is, while still delusionally believing I can tell when a person grew up in Alberta.

But I digress, this is actually leading up to a trailer for The Escapist. Some top notch actors, and the promise of great action and drama. The irony, of course, is that Damien Lewis plays an inmate both in this film, and an ex-inmate in his series Life. Even more interesting, however, is that this will be Rupert Wyatt’s first feature length film.

Away We Go has a unique mix of characters. Maya Rudolph, of SNL fame, is easily recognizable, but I had to start watching it again before finally placing that distinctive voice with a name: John Krasinski. Goodness, that beard changes him… add in director Sam Mendes, and you have what I can only call an unlikely collection. The formula feels a little “done,” like an adult-and-married version of Juno, but who can resist an acoustic guitar and a mellow song?

I would be remiss if I were not to mention the slew of trailers and clips coming out for Pixar’s next film, Up. It matters not what the subject is, films by Pixar transcend technique (though easily the best 3D animation studio in the world); they tell stories that capture the hearts of viewers everywhere. Sadly, it does seem Pixar trailers rarely do justice to the movies they advertise (I questioned that Cars could have ever been a good idea, till I saw the film and loved it). On a positive note, Up already looks like fun, and given the track record, the film is going to be stupendous!

Other trailers to watch this week include Merry Gentleman, a dark romance with hints of comedy, and FAQ About Time Travel, which indeed stars a guy from the wickedly funny series IT Crowd.

Iaian7, 28.03.09

There’s a new featurette posted for the movie Up! It begins to reveal some of the storyline, character, and environment details.
