Server outage
iaian7 » blog John Einselen, 1.06.08My websites are down, and have been for at least a day. Well, all of them except, which is still hosted on the same server I had years before switching most of my hosting to HostNine.
Evidently transformers for the master servers in Texas blew up. Once building inspections are over, and equipment accounted for… hopefully things will be back up and running. This is rather unfortunate, but especially difficult as I depend on for much of my email and demo reel promotion, including online resumes!
I know random disasters like explosions can never really be anticipated, but with months of constant email server problems, and now complete inaccessibility, it certainly raises the same old question – why am I still with HostNine?
I had a few lengthy problems with my host as well until I switched to midPhase. Those guys have a great service and pretty much no downtime (that I have experienced).
Check them out:
Oh and as fishy as it sounds, there unlimited plans really are unlimited. No account suspension or anything like that.