Flickr API

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 27.06.08    

Several weeks ago I attempted to figure out the Flickr API, with the purpose of setting up a Textpattern plugin for easy photo blogging. 10 straight hours. No luck.

Thankfully Elihu Ihms was online, and graciously started to help. In under 30 minutes, he had a working prototype, and spent the rest of the night getting a polished solution finished. I stayed up and worked out the Textpattern integration, and by the end we had a pretty decent alpha release, albeit 6 in the morning. I kinda slept through church… and then through the late service… and then through lunch.

It’s an amalgam of PHP and JS, allowing a user to access photostreams, individual images, and much more. Eli’s site has more information on the Flickr API integration and the PHP / javascript code usage. It’s far more useful than just the Textpattern plugin!

Tonight I spent a few more hours working out updates and feature enhancements. The result? an7_flickr – a Textpattern admin extension that adds easy Flickr blogging. Enjoy!

Ryan Ray, 29.06.08

Hi Iaian I came across your site through twitter and wanted to say I like your site. I’m going to keep checking it out, but wanted to say hi.
