ProwlPost Automator Service

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 17.01.10    

I like to think Prowler is a pretty easy to use widget, but a poster on the Prowl user forums requested info on how to integrate Prowl notifications in Automator. An excellent question; even if you don’t need custom scripting, why not make a simple OSX Service that posts to Prowl? It’s not like the UI is particularly necessary.

It took a bit of trying, and the result is pretty rough, but it works! You may notice I’ve used a “Get Link URLs from Webpages” node to make the HTTPS connection. This is because something simpler (like “Get Text from Website”) inexplicably connects twice, sending double push notifications to the iPhone. No idea why, but at least it’s running ok with a rather repurposed action.

1OSX automator service

To install, copy the file to your ~/library/Services/ directory, then double-click to edit in Automator. Update your UID (the Prowl API key) in the “Get Specified Text” node, save the service, and it should be ready to go. You can change the priority, application, and event name as well.

Make a text selection in any app that supports OSX automator services, then right-click to bring up the context menu. Select “ProwlPost” to send the selected text to the Prowl servers and push a notification to your iPhone.
