
iaian7 » code » dashboard   John Einselen, 3.09.09 (updated 16.02.12)    

Prowler is a simple OS X widget that lets you send messages to any iPhone or iPod Touch running Prowl, delivered immediately using push notifications. A fast and easy solution for posting URLs to your handheld, or any other info or notices you might want to push.

Enter your API key, readily available at prowl.weks.net after logging in, and you’re ready to go! Sending a push notification requires title and/or message, along with a selectable urgency level. Any included links will automatically show up as clickable on your device.


1prowler.zip version 1.5

By clicking the download link, you signify your acceptance of the following agreement. This application is freeware, to be used and abused however you like. However, the author(s) assume absolutely no liability, and the software is offered with no warranty or quality assurance. And God forbid you use it in the operation of nuclear facilities (a warning I see in the EULA of so many applications, I really do wonder how exactly someone could use a graphics utility in the operation of a power plant). In short, use at your own risk.

Version History

1.5.1 — fixed preference saving on hide
1.5 — removes all dependencies on prowl.pl and SSLeay
1.4 — fixes API preference saving
1.3 — adds better error reporting
1.2 — fixes bugs and finalizes feature set
1.1 — adds auto update feature on startup
1.0 — initial release


Support is not technically available, but you can still send suggestions and questions via the contact form  (if you don’t mind my slow-or-never responses), non-support comments can be left below.
