Travels and such

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 18.09.07    

The past few weeks have seen a fair amount of driving, with a couple trips up to northern Detroit for a job I’ll be starting shortly, and yet another one tomorrow to finalize an apartment. Nervous doesn’t cover the half of it, as things are coming down to the wire and I’m still hunting for a place to live.

I did get to go hiking this past Sunday, when a friend invited me to join him down at Big Bone Lick. It’s closer than I expected at less than 30 minutes from my place, and is nestled in a nice little valley full of trees. While it seems small for a state park, it does take a while to hike the perimeter! I ended up without a map and journeyed approximately 2/3rds around the entire park (you can check out my Flickr account for a few more photos). While I’d never pretend to have enjoyed my time as a “Kentuckian”, it is rather bittersweet to be leaving a place I’ve grown accustomed to. The real pain, though, is in leaving friends. emoticon
