My life

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 2.08.07    

I just realized I haven’t posted in a while regarding my work or even general life stuff. Things have been pretty upside down since mid-July when my visual effects job at the museum ended. Funding has been all but lost, and they just can’t keep everyone on. Hopefully I can stay in touch, as the studio team was a great group of artists and I’ll really miss all my friends there. It’s unfortunate, but it happens, and I am excited to see what comes next.

Speaking of which, I’m currently working freelance doing motion graphics and web/print design. It’s been a long time since I’ve done freelance, as I really prefer working inhouse with a team of artists, but it seems to be going ok. There’s an upcoming interview in the next week or two for a full time position, so I’m looking forward to that.

Oh, and I saw Transformers last night. I liked it a lot more than some, a little less than others. The actors were good, the script was ok, the photography was, at times, pretty cool, but it was the visual effects that were really amazing. Incidentally, CG World featured the film in the latest issue, which arrived yesterday afternoon shortly before I left for the theater. Very cool. emoticon

Shari S., 5.08.07

Yeah, the movie wasn’t disappointing since I had no expectations. YOu should see Bourne Ultimatum. THe whole movie has a fine-art Euro style to the filmmaking.

I feel your pain. We roll out of KY on Sunday. Keep in touch!

Neight, 13.08.07

HI!!! I’ve been thinking about you lately, how have you been? I’d love to get together with the Henderfolk, let’s do it! Bug them till they submit to thursday evenings!! MUAHAHAHA!!!

Or whenever. Tata…