Macworld Live!

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 15.01.08    

Well, macworld is in progress as I write this, and some reasonably cool stuff has happened already. The airport base station now comes in 500Gb and 1Tb models, the iPhone is seeing some updates, and iTunes is offering rentals. Sadly, a lot of websites are going down in the mad rush to find updates, but here are some of the live feeds still on the net:

MacRumorsLive is continuously updated via AJAX, and the only one I’m bothering with now. Text and pictures in a continuous stream!

ArsTechnica has several reporters writing updates and taking pictures.

Gizmodo and Engadget also have live feeds, though availability has been sporadic.

Here at Vectorform, bets have been raging as to what Air will entail… hardware, software, or service? My bet is on a combination, taking into consideration Intel’s WiMAX technology and the rollout of WiMAX in Japan and Germany. At the very least, Apple should be announcing an ulta-thin laptop, though I’m hoping for a tablet.

Well, now I’ve got to get back to reading live coverage updates… yay Macworld!

Jeremy L., 23.01.08

Yes, thanks for the MacRumorsLive.com tip that day! I posted a sort of Macworld followup in my blog today: http://phlegonsblog.blogspot.com/2008/01/happy-belated-macworld.html
