Lightwave Core

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 3.02.09    

As I write this, there is a countdown to an announcement on Febuary 4th at 4pm (EST). For the past two weeks, Newtek has been building a steady furore over the upcoming Lightwave Core reveal. Amid wild speculation as to what might entail (in just one of the threads on the Newtek forums, we’ve amassed over 6000 posts), official announcements themselves are promising something entirely new…

And to capitalize on the anticipation, there have been puzzles, cryptic images, clues hidden within an asteroid belt (no joke), comments within website source code, hints from secretive forum members, security passwords encoded with the birth name of Genghis Khan (It’s Temüjin, if you ever need to know) and several appearances by Thor, Norse god of thunder.

But beyond the viral marketing, it’s the people that surround Lightwave, the users, that make it special. It’s people from Kosova, the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Norway, Texas… to solve clues, people work in shifts; going to bed in the wee morning light, as people on the other side are waking up to start anew. Freelancers, studios, retired hobbyists. People posting from their desk at work, people staying up all night, and I believe at least one protester in South America, who reeking of tear gas and bloodied resistance, got online to check out the latest clues.

Join in the global excitement… visit Ustream.tv for live coverage. I’ll be there.

Iaian7, 4.02.09

You can get the stream on your iPhone as well!

Download and install the Ustream app from the Apple iTunes store, then search for “newtek” to find the live broadcast.

Iaian7, 30.03.09

As of just an hour ago, the forum thread (mentioned above) reached 10,000 posts. A good deal of it is merely filler, but a rather impressive accomplishment nonetheless. emoticon
