Jungle Jims

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 9.09.07    

It’s funny, I suppose, how you don’t really visit the “cool” places in an area till it comes time to leave. It’s also funny that one of the “cool” places in Kentucky is actually a forty minute drive into Ohio.

I’d heard quite a bit about Jungle Jims, but never got to visit till this weekend… it’s an odd, cool, and sometimes creepy experience. Driving into the parking lot, it looks like a cheesy carnival or theme park, complete with various characters painted on wooden signs. Inside, it feels a lot more like a huge grocery store, but with giant talking soup cans (seriously). Just when you think it’s been a waste of time, however, you finally get to the international section…

I may have to go back just to get more tea… they have a lot. A whole lot, and from quite a few different countries. I have several Irish varieties now, along with more exotic green teas and such. While intriguing, I was somehow able to resist some of the more expensive monkey picked teas and blossoming tea packages. What I was not able to resist, however, were some of the vinegars, including an aged Balsamic that’s older than my brother.

Jeremy has posted a few pictures from the trip, along with a blog post where he gives more detail on the frighteningly unique bathrooms!

Jeremy L., 21.09.07

Ha! Monkey picked! May we never forget. . . .
