I'm no programmer

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 8.07.07    

And for the most part, this fact is simple and obvious. But some days I like to pretend… or rather, some days I get sucked into an obsessive black hole (instead of turning off the alarm clock yesterday, I hallucinated about the javascript routines needed to find the alarm clock element and remove the audio class). Well, after a string of days like this, I guess I have something to show for it. Here’s the unveiling!

Earlier this week SeventhLeaf was posted online. I have the opportunity, from time to time, to freelance webdesign, and this may become a good resource to send prospective clients to. While there’s hardly anything up there yet, more content should be added as time goes by. I also hope SeventhLeaf can give friends a chance to freelance; if I can’t take a job myself, someone else probably can.

The MooTools javascript library has been running effects on Iaian7.com for quite some time, but recently I’ve been working on some extra-cool stuff. You may notice that the sections navigation to the right now includes feed links, elegantly revealed only when needed. The expanding bookmark link below each article, though added a month ago, has been updated to the same code (while I liked the slide effect, fading on rollover seems far more inviting, and doesn’t shift the page layout, what do you think?). Image thumbnails also fade slightly into the background till you mouse over them, as do media links.

Which leads us to what may be the biggest update yet… Mediabox. Definitely the most extensive coding project I’ve attempted, it’s derived from three other lightbox-style scripts (Slimbox, Slimbox Ex and Videobox), and is finding integration with Textpattern through one of my latest TXP plugins. I leave you with an example; the full length demo reel that was previewed last month!


Shari S., 8.07.07

Wow! I’m glad I can say ‘Hey, John is my friend and he creates the coolest stuff! Nice work.
