Hello Dolly!

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 14.10.07    

My family has been working the past few months as part of a musical production at the Ford Theater (in the Honeywell Center, Wabash, IN). Ken, Cindy, and Lydia all sang (Dad also played the judge), Lisa helped with costuming (including the design for Ms. Money’s wild yellow dress), and Matthew worked backstage (even handling the coordination of on-stage food). Two friends from college were getting married this past weekend as well, so a trip to Indiana worked out great. Sadly, I can’t really travel that far more than once a month or so… Detroit is a bit further than I’m used to.

After leaving a little late for the wedding, I ended up lost till well after and just barely arrived in time for the receiving line. I have to admit, seeing friends from college, and their kids, is a little weird. I finally realized how long I’d been gone; two years isn’t much, but enough for things to change. Driving through Indiana and recognizing places along the way between Warsaw and Wabash brings back a lot of memories. Quite a few from my trip with Keith and Joanna up to Chicago (the two of them now happily married, as of this weekend!), and plenty of others from trips to see my cousin Sarah in Goshen, or my brother Mark in western Michigan. Hopefully I’ll get to travel a little more before the michigan winter truly sets in and I become snowbound.

Anyway, back to Hello Dolly! The show was great, and though exhausted, I think it was a lot of fun for everyone involved. While the rest of my family got out of their costumes and makeup, Matthew showed me around the back ways of the stage and theater. Taking pictures the entire evening, I unwittingly passed quite the road mark; my camera rolled over from 9999 to 0001! Though I’m not sure where I started, this would be at least 4000 pictures just in the past 6 months or so.

I’m really proud of my family. They rock. emoticon

Mark, 1.11.07

It’s nice to see the pictures since I didn’t make it personally to the show.
