Decision by default

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 23.09.07    

It’s been a wild ride, but I’ve moved into Woodside…

Friday I had to transfer gas and electric services into my name, or I wouldn’t have been able to move in at all. I was still waiting for final move-in costs from Northridge, so proceeded to call them all afternoon, trying to get confirmation. The first time I called, the person on the other end hung up on me after unsuccessfully attempting to transfer me to another number or voicemail. The other 6 times I called, I just got the answering machine. I ended up leaving a message letting them know to drop my application and return the application fee as per their policy. So yeah… Woodside was happy to answer my call, and proceeded to finalize gas and electric confirmation over the phone. So much for my making a decision, seems things were made rather plain. Northridge didn’t get back with me till Saturday, after I’d already arrived in Detroit and signed papers with Woodside!

Thank you all for your input. I definitely agree with the advantages of in-unit washer and dryer, and while I’m disappointed about that, the Woodside location is tough to beat. Surrounded by trees and even forested aress, it’s closer to work and more peaceful than Northridge. Not to mention, they were the only ones that let me finalize the details in time to move on Saturday.

Thank you also to family and friends who helped pack me up, move my stuff, and unload here in Detroit. I cannot thank you enough! Especially when I had to leave early on Saturday to sign papers by 4:45pm at Woodside, you guys stayed to finish the entire process at Sanctuary Place, and even helped my dad load up the car and get on his way to Detroit. Praise God, things have worked out, albeit with nerve wracking timing.
Thank you, Crystal, Jeremy, Lydia, Matthew, and Dad!

Sarah, 30.09.07

Glad you’re moved in and doing well. Sounds like God opened and closed doors just in the nic of time for you. emoticon Nothing like making you trust. Love you lots and hopefully we can visit soon!

Mark, 1.10.07

Could I get your new address so that I can get directions from here to there? Btw, I hope to visit you this weekend.
