Cumberland Gap

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 3.07.08    

While Sarah worked with the other SWAP hosts during the day, Mark and I drove down to Cumberland Gap, bringing our total number of states-driven-through-in-two-days to six (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, and finally Tennesse).

It was pretty cool! Mark and I hiked a good deal, though I suspect it wasn’t as much as I think. I’m more out of shape than I had hoped, and Mark says I complained like a middle schooler. We went across the original Cumberland Gap, along some ridges, and to several outlooks, including the tri-state point marking the point where Kentucky, Verginia, and Tennessee all touch.

I also got a particularly venomous spider bite sometime while we were hiking. Not sure exactly how, or when, a spider tried to feast upon my left side, but it wasn’t pretty. I think I ran a low-grade fever for the following 24 hours, and it hurt for days.

Mark, 1.10.08

Such good pictures! Looks almost as good on film as it did in real life.
