10 Apps to be Thankful For

iaian7 » blog   John Einselen, 28.11.08    

There are the obvious things to give thanks for, like friends, family, Jesus… but then there are the smaller things that make life just a little bit nicer.

Even better is when they’re free! The following are some of my favourite applications for Mac OS X.


Perian – A veritable swiss army knife for Quicktime, it adds support for formats such as AVI, DIVX, FLV, MKV, and VP6, and scores of video codecs.

SimplifyMedia – Lets you expand iTunes library sharing to any computer (or iPhone) connected to the net! Supports all three major operating systems, and lets you add up to 30 friends.


Evernote – Store notes of any type, from anywhere (and any platform, including the iPhone), online, forever. While I haven’t used Evernote much myself, it’s a pretty cool setup. It even recognises handwriting in photos to automatically tag them.

TextWrangler – If you deal with any sort of code, this is the best free editor I’ve found. Syntax highlighting, FTP server support, and file comparisons, among many other features.


Dropbox – Seamlessly syncs a folder on your computer with 2gb free online storage. It’s dead simple, and works great. Even if you don’t have multiple computers, you still get an off-site backup, and online access to your files.

TinkerTool – Gives you backstage access to all sorts of little settings hidden away in OS X, including the developer tools in Safari.

Glims – Adds all sorts of functionality to Safari, from custom search engines, to saving tabs on quitting (or crashing!). While we’re discussing Safari extensions, AdBlock is also especially helpful.

DoubleCommand and KeyRemap4MacBook – Both allow you to remap keys. On a macbook, it lets you set up the enter to act like a function key (perfect for one-handed opperation).

Multiple macs

Teleport – Lets you use multiple macs like they were just multiple monitors. The network based keyboard/mouse sharing is easy to setup, clipboards are automatically synchronised, and it even lets you transfer files by dragging them seamlessly from one computer desktop to another.

Fruux – Syncs your Address Book, iCal calendars, and Safari bookmarks across multiple computers. Works. Very well.

Well, that’s the end of my list. There’s more, but I’ll save it for the next Mac centric post. Enjoy!

Iaian7, 2.12.08

Google Calendar has recently introduced support for iCal by way of CalDAV sync. Yay! Get the instructions straight from Google’s site.

Term papers, 12.02.10

The divx format is probally suitable for DVD in Entertainment. But the divx sometimes do not execute and stuck while playing video.
