I miss...

iaian7 » blog » poetry   John Einselen, 3.11.07    

I miss not holding your hand, as the trees change colour and the wind chills the bone…
I miss being huddled together in the park, an afternoon walk cut short by quiet whispers in lovers code…
I miss never having tea with you, sitting cross legged on a porch and sipping something sweet.

And the artifice is gone, and nothing is all that’s left…

I miss not having gone to church with you, and an afternoon nap where we didn’t have to say a word…
I miss seeing your sleeping form, as I stay up late polishing a project and smiling to myself…
I miss never knowing the closeness, that you and I have needed so much…

And being alone now makes it clear, that being surrounded isn’t the same, as being near you…

I miss listening to music, and dancing to a song that makes me want to cry…
I miss the things we might have done, the places we could have gone, the food we would have eaten…
I miss you, and wonder… will you ever miss me?

Mat Sun, 19.04.08

Really like this poem, it has a really nice flow to it. Keep up the good work mate emoticon

Mat (UK)
